Friday 25 January 2013


'Sup, my examiner-homies! (Just kidding, we hardly know each other ;)

Carolina, a member of our team, is the designated script writer and she recently completed the general script/outline. As there is only a small amount of speech in our opening sequence, there wasn't much to include, however she noted the general order the scenes and action will go in and has written the dialogue so the two actors (one being moi) can rehearse and prepare.

We went over and read the script as a team and made a couple of edits regarding spelling and format and what to include. However, I am fairly pleased with the result and feel like our film is coming together, especially as we've now got an organised list of actions taken place and written dialogue. 


Naomi is filmed getting out of the shower 
(Camera focuses/follows on her feet)

Walks over to the mirror and draws her name and a smiley face in the steam (the mirror is foggy due to the steam from the shower)

She looks in the mirror

Walks through the hallway and into her bedroom

Chooses a song on her iPod which is in the iPod dock

Walks towards her wardrobe and opens it
(Reverse shot involving this position and another shot taken from inside the wardrobe where we will place a camera)

Drops her dressing gown
(Feet are in the camera frame as the title ‘The Naked Truth’ appears)

Puts on outfit, one clothing item at a item interspersed with track and panning shots of the bedroom and beauty products e.g. make-up, ’50 Shades of Grey’ trilogy and the dog
(E.g. Close-up shot of bottle of cream "Blow")

Walks over to her dresser and begins to apply makeup and do her hair

Receives a texts and walks over to the window

(Quick cut between scenes)

*If we have a male lead*
Naomi sees Aiden present outside of her window – Looking down at him
(Low angle - reverse zoom)

He looks up at her and waves
(Over-the-shoulder - high angle)

Naomi putting her shoes on, picking up her bag, putting on her jacket and spraying herself with perfume

Strokes the dog, “Bye, bye, cutie” and leaves the bedroom, shutting (swings it slightly closed) the bedroom door behind her

(Camera tracks her going down the stairs - reverse shot: camera tracks her behind walking down the stairs then in front of her walking down the stairs)

(Reverse shot of Naomi walking out of the front door)

In conclusion, the script is fairly in depth and detailed and as it refers to the camera angles/shots and what the characters are doing prior to the dialogue, we can use it as a good reference point while filming as well as the storyboard. We hope to cast a male lead to play Aiden's character but if not, we will remove his role from the opening sequence which has its benefits regarding not revealing too much of the plot or having to rush what we include in the opening two minutes. We also acknowledged that keeping it short and sweet with minor dialogue had the opening sequence flowing easier as well.

Pheebs, OUT! ;)

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