Thursday 24 January 2013


Hey All!

As storyboarder, Sam's job was to design and create the storyboard our film, including all of the scenes we'll be shooting and the different shots and angles we'll be using. Sam's the best drawer out of all of us (I can handle stick people, and even then they have longer arms than the rest of their bodies :/ ).

It was a team job initially as we hadn't properly listed all the ideas we'd had and needed to finalise and order the list so that Sam could draw up the storyboard. We'd brainstormed in a previous lesson and had a range of ideas however we hadn't gotten down to deciding which we were going to use, which may take up too much time and other that may give aspects of the plot away too early.

The storyboard was a very important stage in production as it we would use to refer back to while filming and was the basic list of all the stages in the opening sequence, as well as including additional information on camera angles and shots we would use for each.

Title sequence of the 'production companies' involved in the creation of our film
Bathroom scene of the shower turning off and Naomi emerging from the shower to pout in the mirror
Bathroom scene finishes with Naomi exiting the bathroom and entering her bedroom
The title appears on screen and the montage of images and shots of Naomi "getting-ready" and interiors of her bedroom start
Montage of small shots of Naomi "getting-ready" and panning shots of the interior
Continued montage of small shots of Naomi "getting-ready" and panning shots of the interior
Naomi goes to the window and we film a range of point-of-view and over-the-shoulder shots of them looking at each other out of her bedroom window
These are the final stages of Naomi preparing to leave the house, with some close-up 'getting-ready' shots interspersed with interior panning shots e.g. 'Head Girl sash'
These are the last few shots of our opening sequence. The top 3 are of what will happen if we have a male lead, and the bottom 3 are without.
When we first saw the storyboard completed, Carolina and I raved about it for ages. Not only did Sam do a great job, but it meant that we had a finalised plan of our film, and a useful reference point which we could continue to go back to when filming. As we've also uploaded the screen-shots onto our blogs, we can access the storyboard from anywhere and we are feeling very confident about filming.
Pheebs OUT!!! ;)

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