Monday 14 January 2013

Preliminary Task Planning

'Sup Readers, 

The planning process to our preliminary task was a bit of a bore if I was honest. We were eager to get out and film our task and doing a storyboard and shot analysis seemed petty in the grand scheme of things. We'd been told that we had to do it outside of lesson which naturally worried me slightly as I'd have to juggle other school work on top of Media Studies work and I'm already snowed under the proverbial avalanche! However, our teachers took pity on us and allowed us to film during lesson-time so it wasn't as much of a problem regarding basic preparation of storyboarding and choosing frames and shots. 

We storyboarded our film fairly simply, with notes on the shots we were going to use and locations of each shot. We kept it detailed but not rambling, simple notes that we could refer to as well as the sheet to make the filming process as swiftly completed as possible. Once we'd finished storyboarding - stick people were our life-savers - Sir gave us the go ahead to get filming.


We found that the storyboard was a really effective point of reference that we used throughout filming, particularly when we were either lost or a little confused about the direction in which our task was heading. The picture gave us an image we were aiming for and the notes beneath told us the shot we'd chosen to use and any details regarding angle and location were included.


In conclusion, I found the planning process useful once we began filming as having a good reference point throughout speeded up the process and made the shot a lot more accurate and correct. It cut editing time as we made little mistakes and our preliminary task turned out pretty good. The only improvement I'd make was add further detail regarding lighting and 180' degree line - two problem areas which we'd done wrong when Sir later evaluated our task.

Pheebs OUT! ;)

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