Thursday 13 December 2012

Hello and Welcome!

Hi, Mr/Mrs Examiner-Person!

My name is Phoebe Bower, call me Pheebs (that is if we ever get to meet) and I'm a Media Studies student at Graveney school. I'll be working, for the duration of this project, with Sam and Carolina, fellow Media Studies peeps, who between you and me, I couldn't be happier with.

I took Media Studies as a sort of filler subject, as a replacement for Textiles which I couldn't do. I was apprehensive at first as I'd never done the subject before but I'd worked on my Year 11 yearbook last year and so was excited about doing similar work. However, I realised that wasn't what I was doing, that I'd be learning about the world and film and be having so much FUN!

I was buzzing with ideas as soon as I heard our brief and was eager to get going. I can't wait to begin and I hope you enjoy the journey and end product. So, without further ado, lets go!

Pheebs OUT! ;)

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